I ran a project that looked at the role of (re)learning to use alternative transport following giving-up of the car in later life, to help facilitate positive behaviour change to other modes of transport. I took part in an ESRC workshop on learning in later life with Professor John Benyon and Jim Soulsby at the University of Leicester discussing the role of education and learning and transport and travel behaviour in later life. I was awarded a competitive internal bid in 2010 to look at drivers who were contemplating giving-up driving, which involved following a group of drivers over a period of 18 months to document the process of giving-up driving and subsequent effects on health and wellbeing, examining adaptability and resilience. I have been involved with a project addressing issues surrounding temporarily giving-up driving when people break their arms and how this affects their travel behaviour, road user safety and health and wellbeing. In 2011, I was invited to write a thinkpiece for the International Longevity Centre on how older people can give-up driving successfully which was launched at the House of Lords.
Conference presentations Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2016). Auto-mobility, community connections and independence in later life. Invited speaker to British Psychology Society seminar series Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Psychologies of Ageing. Research Seminar 3 - Ageing in Place: Independence and communities. Keele Hall - Keele University, 10 February.
Musselwhite, C.B.A., Calcraft, M. J., Roberts, M., Fox, R., Swinkels, A., Turton, P. and Young, S. (2016). Breaking the habit: Breaking your wrist to break travel behaviour Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the Universities' Transport Study Group (UTSG), co-hosted by the University of the West of England, Bristol, and Bristol University 7 January
Musselwhite, C.B.A., Calcraft, M. J., Roberts, M., Fox, R., Swinkels, A., Turton, P. and Young, S. (2015).Can breaking your wrist break your driving habit?1st Conference on Transport & Health, University College London, UK. 7 July.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2011). We Need to Talk - the role of family, friends and social networks. Invited presentation at Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety (PACTS) Conference Older, Wiser, Safer: the Challenge of an Ageing Population. October 13th, Royal Society of Medicine, London.Research Projects